This is a text companion to a YouTube video about streaming to multiple channels at once using OBS and FFMPEG.
I have written this article in text form in order to save you time. In my experience, reading an article is often faster and/or more convenient (certainly quieter) than watching a video. If you would prefer to view this information in video form, you can click the video above, or view the video on YouTube.
If you would like to use a batch script that you can audit, you can use the following script.
@echo off
:: Find more information at
:: Change this to the path to the folder in which OBS saves the recording (should end in "\") make sure that there is no space beside the "=" sign
:: Format looks like: C:\Users\waver\Videos\
set folder_path=C:\Users\waver\Videos\
:: Change this to the RTMP url that you would like to stream to (should end in "/") make sure there is no space beside the "=" sign
:: Common ingest servers
:: YouTube: rtmp://
:: Twitch - Atlanta: rtmp://
:: Twitch - Dallas: rtmp://
:: Twitch - San Fran: rtmp://
set rtmp_url=rtmp://
:: Change this to your streaming key. Make sure there is no space beside the "=" sign
set stream_key=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
:: Loops through all the files in the folder in which OBS saves recordings
:: Saves the most recently created file in the file_name variable
for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s %folder_path%*.flv') do set file_name=%%i
:: Outputs the name of the most recently created file (helps with debugging)
echo The most recently created file is %file_name%
:: Outputs the command that the script calls (helps with debugging)
echo ffmpeg -re -i %file_name% -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f flv %rtmp_url%%stream_key%
:: Calls the ffmpeg command
ffmpeg -re -i %file_name% -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f flv %rtmp_url%%stream_key%
:: Pauses so you can see the output