JQ is a command line tool to filter/format json.
JQ is often used to parse the output from kubectl commands, for examples of that, refer to my notes on Kubenetes.
Select and output a property
$ echo '{"hello": "world"}' | jq .hello
Select a value from an array
$ echo '{"hello": ["world", "earth", "space"]}' | jq .hello[0]
Select all values from an array
$ echo '{"hello": ["world", "earth", "space"]}' | jq .hello[]
Select nested values from an array and object
$ echo '{"hello": [{"place": "earth", "species": "humans"},{"place": "space", "species": "space-beings"}]} | jq .hello[].species
Select multiple nested values from an array and object and combine into string
$ echo '{"hello": [{"place": "earth", "species": "humans"},{"place": "space", "species": "space-beings"}]} | jq '.hello[] | "hello, " + .species + " from " + .place' -r
hello, humans from earth
hello, space-beings from space
Equivalent to (notice rather than using jq's built in pipe, we actually pipe via the normal bash pipe to a separate jq call)
$ echo '{"hello": [{"place": "earth", "species": "humans"},{"place": "space", "species": "space-beings"}]} | jq .hello[] | jq '"hello, " + .species + " from " + .place' -r
hello, humans from earth
hello, space-beings from space
Helpful flags
output as strings (i.e. not wrapped in "")
Arrays (may be able to be used on strings too)
Get specific index from array [0]
Get subarray [1:3]
(lower bound inclusive, upper bound exclusive, i.e. [0,1,2,3] filtered by [1:2] returns [1,2])
Get first 3 items from array (index 0,1,2) [:3]
Get last 2 items from array [-2:]
Iterate over all items in array []
(may also work on objects)